Inflammatory Eye Disease Awareness Week
Prevent Blindness has declared September 16–22, 2024, as Inflammatory Eye Disease Awareness Week. There are several inflammatory eye conditions. The one we specialize in at Texas Retina is called uveitis [u-vee-i-tis]. Understanding
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Dr. Anand and Dr. Abbey Receive Senior Honor Awards from the American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS)
In recognition of their time and contributions to the scientific programs of the organization’s annual meetings, Texas Retina’s Rajiv Anand, MD, and Ashkan M. Abbey, MD, recently earned the Senior Honor Award
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Dr. Choi’s Research on Filtering-associated Endophthalmitis in Ophthalmology Retina Journal
Texas Retina Associates’ Rene Y. Choi, MD, PhD, published an article titled “Filtering-Associated Endophthalmitis after Trabeculectomy or Tube-Shunt Implant” in the March 2021 issue of Ophthalmology Retina. The article highlights the results of
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Dr. Choi Publishes Article on Uveitis and Pregnancy in Retina Specialist Journal
Rene Y. Choi, MD, PhD, published an article titled “Noninfectious Uveitis in Pregnancy” in the February 18, 2021 issue of Retina Specialist. A rare disease, uveitis is inflammation of the “uvea” or
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Dr. Choi Case Report of Rare Retina Condition Published in Journal of VitreoRetinal Disease
Rene Y. Choi, MD, PhD, published a case report titled “Multiple Evanescent White Dot Syndrome Presenting in a Patient with Punctate Inner Choroidopathy” in the November 3, 2020, issue of the Journal
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Welcome Rene Y. Choi, MD, PhD
Texas Retina Associates welcomes board-certified ophthalmologist and retina specialist Rene Y. Choi, MD, PhD, to our practice on September 1, 2020. Serving patients in our Dallas Main, Denton, Rockwall and Fort Worth
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